Psychotherapy Services We Offer in Minneapolis
Our Core Beliefs:
- You are able to heal and make positive life changes
- Behind all behavior is a positive intent; you perform at your best, given the resources you have
- Psychotherapy and Psychological Testing can help identify the cause of negative behaviors and provide resources to discover positive solutions
The Clinicians at Stone Arch Psychology and Health Services offer Individual, Family and Group Psychotherapy, as well as Psychological Testing, Cognitive Testing and Psychological Assessment to help individuals gain insight into challenges and to learn and grow in ways that will enhance their lives.
Psychotherapy provides a safe and confidential place for you to sort through your life experiences and validate your current place in life. We will help you identify beliefs and tendencies that may be impeding your progress, and we will help you build on your strengths and resources to reach your desired destination.
We specialize in assessing and treating a wide variety of mental health conditions. Examples of challenges individuals may seek help for include: feelings of loneliness, sadness, fear, anxiety, or anger, problems with weight and body image, difficulty concentrating and paying attention, marital or partner relationship difficulties, interpersonal and family relationship issues, or any other life problems and challenges.
TeleHealth Counseling Sessions
Stone Arch Psychology and Health Services offers TeleHealth Counseling Sessions for all of our new and current clients. Please contact us for more information about scheduling a Telehealth Remote Therapy Session today.
Psychological Testing
Cognitive Testing
Psychological Assessment
Development: | Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale |
Intelligence: | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – IV |
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – V | |
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale – IV | |
Memory: | Wechsler Memory Scale – IV |
Executive Function: | Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function |
Trail Making Test | |
Personality: | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – Adult |
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – Adolescent | |
Achievement: | Wechsler Individual Achievement Test – III |
Wide Range Achievement Test – IV | |
Motor Function: | Bender-Gestalt |
Groove Pegboard | |
Tapping Test | |
Projective: | Rorschach Inkblot Test |
Hand Test | |
Incomplete Sentence Blank | |
Projective Drawings | |
Thematic Apperception Test | |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: | Conners Parent and Teacher Scale |
Brown Attention Deficit Disorder Scale | |
Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test (IVA-2 CPT) | |
Conner Continuous Performance Test – II | |
Autism Spectrum Disorder: | Autism Spectrum Disorder Rating Scale |
Childhood Autism Rating Scale – 2 | |
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – 4 | |
Expressive Vocabulary Test – 2 | |
Mood: | Beck Depression Inventory |
Beck Anxiety Inventory | |
Parent Stress Index | |
Anger Disorder Scale | |
Suicide Screening Checklist | |
Alcohol/Drug Abuse: | Michigan Alcohol Screening Test |